Our Competitive Advantages


Do you agree with our values and hope to contribute to meaningful projects?


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Unique managementmethodology

We have created our ownmethodology to plan our marketapproach, do it accordingly, check itusing our data-driven platform andact accordingly using our Alrecommendation system tomaximize returns budgetoptimization

Multi-cultural team


Having both local and internationalmanagement allows us to addressproblems in a more holistic approach,understanding both sides' needs andconcerns.

Growth social mediachannels

Our experts would implement themost up-to-date experiment-driventechnique to determine the mosteffective ways of growing yourbusiness in the social mediachannels.

B2B/B2C  expertise


Our years of  b2b/b2c marketingknowledge would enable your operation to grow and succeed in the market. we bring years of experience in Digital、food and other industries.


Years of expertise combined withdata-driven process and machinelearning technology.

Comprehensive solutions


Our approach,which combines technology, marketknow-how ,would enable us to create the best market fit.